Learn Croatian in Vienna

Croatian Language Courses in Vienna

Like Bosnian and Serbian, Croatian belongs to the Slavic languages. Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian or BKS for short is the international term for the former language Serbo-Croatian. Due to the disintegration of Yugoslavia after 1991, the languages are named separately today. The three languages are very similar and the transition from one to the other is fluent.

So if you learn Croatian, the jump to Bosnian and Serbian is not far off!

How to learn Croatian?

There are now many apps, podcasts, books and YouTube channels through which you can learn a language. However, it has been proven that an attendance course or a virtual course is the fastest way to progress when learning a language. Through interaction with the language trainer and regular exchanges, motivation increases and mistakes can be identified and corrected more quickly. Speaking within the course allows the newly learned vocabulary to be applied and grammar to be internalized.

However, apps, podcasts, songs, books, movies, magazines, etc. can be used additionally to deal with the Croatian language in everyday life and leisure time as well. Or you can make a side trip to Croatia from Vienna! This way you will make even faster progress in the Croatian language.

Differences Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian

The major and characteristic features of grammar are the same in all three individual languages. Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian are Slavic languages. As such, they are characterized by a strong inflection of word types, a greater number of cases and the category of the aspect in the verb system – to name but a few features of Slavic languages.

Nevertheless, there are regional and historical differences that separate the languages from each other.

The main difference is the two ways of pronouncing the sound “jat”. In one group of languages this sound is pronounced as [ije] (and thus belongs to the ijekavian group), in the other as [e] (and thus belongs to the ekavian group).

A short overview with examples:

The differences between the Ijekavian and the Ekavian version
in the Ijekavian version one writes and speaks: in the Ekavian version one writes and speaks:
cvijet (en. flower) cvet (en. flower)
lijepa (en. the beauty) lepa (en. the beauty)
mlijeko (en. milk) mleko (en. milk)
poslijepodne (en. afternoon) poslepodne (en. afternoon)
svijetlo (en. light) svetlo (en. light)
vrijeme (en. time, weather) vreme (en. time, weather)

Learn Croatian with CasaLinguae

Learn from the best of the best.

We offer tailor-made Croatian courses in Vienna and throughout Austria, where you can learn or improve the language with the help of qualified language trainers.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

CL: Casalinguae – Your business forum for language and culture
