Learn Spanish in Vienna
No matter if Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela or Spain, with Spanish you can communicate in all these countries! That’s why Spanish is considered the most common language in the world and more and more people are getting interested in Spanish!
Why you should learn Spanish
As Spanish is one of the business languages along with English, it makes sense to learn Spanish especially for the business world. Knowledge of Spanish is often an advantage for many industries, as it allows you to communicate with many parts of the world. About 400 million people worldwide are native speakers of Spanish and about 200 million more people speak it as a second language!
20 countries have Spanish as an official language, which means that you can certainly use and practice your Spanish skills on holiday!
Learning Spanish is worth it!
How fast can you learn Spanish?
For a quick success in a language, the easy start is guaranteed, and this is true for all German speakers, and especially for all those who are experienced in learning a Romanic language. Even English helps in understanding unknown words. The Spanish language will also help you learn other romanic languages, such as Italian or Portuguese, faster and easier, or even understand them without any previous knowledge!
How quickly you learn Spanish depends of course on the individual. Nevertheless, it has been proven that an attendance course or a virtual course leads to success more quickly.
Learn Spanish with CasaLinguae
Learn Spanish in Vienna with private lessons: With CasaLinguae you can choose from a variety of options and find the most suitable Spanish course for you. You want to stay flexible and take a course from home or on the road? Then the virtual course is best suited for you.
Or would you prefer to exchange information in a group? Then we offer you a Spanish group course/ open course.
For an even more intensive contact with the language we have the Spanish One-to-One lessons for business & everyday life. Our trainer adapt to your learning style and language level – success is guaranteed!
Would you like to improve your Spanish communication at work & presentation techniques? Then a Language Workshop – Communication & Presentations is the appropriate option.
Open Spanish courses
CasaLinguae offers open Spanish courses in Vienna and the surrounding area for entrepreneurs and professionals.
What does “open course” mean?
The courses take place outside your company in the 4th district of Vienna.
Level – Your language level
At all our Spanish courses in Vienna, you have the opportunity to study Spanish at all levels of further education. Therefore, you have the choice of six different levels of Spanish at our school:
A1 Level, A2 Level, B1 Level, B2 Level, C1 Level and C2 Level.
These levels correspond to the European reference framework. Within this framework, all levels are grouped under the criteria of listening, reading and speaking.
Here, the letter A stands for basic language use and C stands for proficient language use.
Listen, understand and speak Spanish!
Our Spanish teachers are not only dedicated to explaining vocabulary and grammar, but also to actively speaking Spanish with you.
Learn from the best of the best.
Are you looking for a suitable Spanish course in Vienna that adapts to your level of knowledge and thereby gets the best out of you?
We offer tailor-made Spanish language courses in Vienna and throughout Austria, where you can learn or improve your language with the help of qualified language trainers.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
CL: Casalinguae – Your business forum for language and culture
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